About Me
Hi, my name is Svenja! I am an adoptive mom of two delightful little girls and a social worker, originally from Germany, but lucky to be living in beautiful South Africa.
From a young age, I dreamed of seeing the world. I could often be found snuggled up on the couch with my atlas planning imaginary trips to every corner of the globe. (I wasn’t quite as nerdy as that may sound though ;))
Straight after my final school exams, I headed off to spend a year in California. I absolutely loved the vibrant cultural diversity of San Francisco, and have had the travel bug ever since.
Over the past 20 years, I have lived and worked in several different countries.
I worked with disadvantaged teenagers in Germany and Sweden, supervised foster families in London, supported communities affected by HIV/Aids in Botswana, and worked with children living in the streets in South Africa, to name a few.
What I enjoy most about living in different countries is meeting people from a variety of different ethnicities and cultures.
I particularly love the rich diversity of South Africa, Nelson Mandela’s troubled but beloved “rainbow nation”!
For more information on why I created this website, go to Why are multicultural children’s books so important?