Let’s Celebrate Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2021!

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    Multicultural Children’s Book Day is in its 8th year!   Celebrate by joining our twitter party and checking out our linky party & free resources (details below)!   MCBD is a non-profit children’s literacy initiative founded by Valarie Budayr … Read More

The 50 Best Multicultural Picture Books Of 2020

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    As this crazy year is drawing to a close, it’s time for our round-up of the best multicultural picture books of 2020! It’s always difficult to narrow it down to the 50 best multicultural picture books of the … Read More

NEW Multicultural Children’s Books October 2020

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    Check out the latest multicultural children’s book releases! Some real gems this month, including some stunning graphic novels! Our favourite ones for October are Planet Earth (Babies & Toddlers), Julián at the Wedding (Preschool), All Because You Matter (Elementary … Read More

NEW Multicultural Children’s Books September 2020

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    There were so many exciting new multicultural children’s book releases this month, it was difficult for us to decide which ones are our favourite ones. But here we go: Families Belong (Babies & Toddlers), I Am Every Good … Read More

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